Love Birds (2024)


Love Birds (film short) is an interpretation on the cyclical machine that is looking for love. I’ve watered relationships down into four manageable chunks (you’re welcome); The Fall, The Passion, The Discrepancies and The Finale.


Now, you may think this is simply self-indulgence, or perhaps that Love Birds is an inherently pessimistic piece as I invoke that love never lasts… But actually, I hereby present you with a message of hope! No extravaganza of gloom to see here, but rather, an exploration into the charmingly human nature of wading through romantic interests. How wonderful, after debilitating heartbreak, that it is muscle memory to saddle back up onto the metaphorical horse that is your new lover.


To add some fuel to this fire (we’re getting autobiographical), I will share the fact that I was going through a breakup at the beginning of Love Birds (poor me) but, in finalising my project, I’m seeing someone new! Don’t you just love proving your own points? They do say owners start to look like their dogs. Not that this is my dog, but you get the idea.


Please, do send my love to your lovers and enjoy the show!