My final piece is a spatial design as a response to the concept of­ ‘taking the long way round.’ I became invested with the idea of making a response to this idea as it allowed me to focus on spatial design. The final piece is a structure of urban design which encourages passersby to climb and walk around the area in a different route. I chose to place my structure in kings cross square, a fitting place for a design about travel and space, which is thematically relevant to the demography as I discovered in my sight visits. I even base my designs on the preexisting shapes which occur at the sight such as the benches and plinths. I don’t see my project particularly as an end point, this model reflects an aspect of my research as opposed to a definitive solution to my belief of making the world more playful and giving an excuse to play. My piece fulfills my project intention by giving people a sense of play through a departure of normal routes. My design is intestinally a departure from the rouse passersby take on their journey through kings cross, I believe that this fulfils my philosophy that play is integral to all, including older demographics, but that we need to facilitate moments of exploration, excuses to question and take different routes, thus, much like what I define play to be, my model archives the same outlooks which I have been searching for across my project. I presented my work as an architectural model, alongside some photos of my model. My intended audience is everyone, for a project where my philosophy is that it is integral to the every day, I believe I will document it in anticipation of, peers, parents, tutors and others to interact and engage with my work.

A playful space encouraging the people who take life too seriously to take an excursion through a different route.