The intention of my project was to reveal new ways of prompting intergenerational activity through a manifesto, a film and a manual. The manual is a guide which teaches the audience to use a hammer, drill and saw, simple skills which can be taught and learned by everyone; it also holdsĀ a call to arms on the back with advice from people of all ages. The film acts as a visual aid for the intergenerational manifesto, instructing how a drill, hammer and saw can be used for building. The overall aim of these three pieces together was to prompt activity from the audience, directed through a call to arms and manifesto. I used the analogy of tools in a toolbox as tools can act as objects with a physical purpose to build and create but also have a metaphorical meaning for skills and experiences which can be shared by the different generations. What tools do we need to share and inherit? What tools can be passed up or down a generation? What tools can be modified, sharpened or polished? And which ones have to be completely taken apart?