my project is an exploration of ‘The divine Comedy’ and the  Seven Deadly sins. throughout my project, I have researched the effects sins have on a person and how people repent for forgiveness. I looked at confession in the Catholic Church and how people do penance for their sins, subsequently embarking on  a journey of purity. I explored purity as a symbol of the sins and based my garment and designs off this.
    I designed my garment for a repentant sinner, looking at a journey of purity and rebirth of a person. I aimed to combine my love for tailoring and construction with a more conceptual theme, therefore I created a tailored jacket symbolising growth and purity through confession. the jacket is oversized, as a symbol of growing into your sins, embellished with ripped muslin on the seams. on the inside of the jacket, I created an etching inspired by confession, the etching is a handwritten note, based on what one says in confession.