My project is an investigation into the levels on non verbal communication, understanding how we universally communicate messages beyond our voice. For instance our ability to read mood and emotion though how someone in standing. Personally having gone through school with a fear of public speaking yet the capability to communicate with my body made me question in reasoning behind this fear and also the behavioural characters which that fear present. Throughout this project I focused on the physical, using insight from others I wanted to create an outcome portraying the behaviours of those with this fear. My garment consists of heavy weighted, long sleeves to show an exaggerated version of hiding hand fidgeting and playing with the cuffs, and I embodied masses amount of hair over the garment as a symbol of the over fixation of touching tour hair when nervous.  I directed this garment as a message of the overwhelming digress displayed by our behaviours, showing the audience how we feel, read through body language.

    To what extent can we understand how those a feeling without voice?