You know how adults are always pointing fingers at smartphones, blaming them for everything? Well, I wanted to show that there is a whole lot more to the youth than what phone is in their pocket, or what the latest trend is on the latest trending app. This project is all about the diverse activities and hobbies they are into. I have gathered photos from all sorts of places – Skateparks, Youth Classes, and Youth Sports. Each one tells a different story about what it is like to be a youth in today’s world, and how they are still participating in activities and hobbies to shape their future. But these pictures are not just snapshots; they are like windows into a world full of energy and hope. The hope was to show off all those who participated in the project in a positive light. And I just want to thank everyone who has helped this project along the way. It would not have been possible without you!

In a world where adults often blame smartphones for everything, this project aims to showcase the diverse activities and hobbies of today’s youth. Through photos from skateparks, youth classes, and sports, we glimpse into their energetic and hopeful world. The project celebrates their positive participation and shapes a brighter future