Hi, I’m Charlotte, I am a process-led graphic designer that works within the realms of place, perspective and material. My practice gives platform to pinnacle moments within research to ground it within context.

I make work that combines the physical and digital, pushing the boundaries of these materials to create dynamic narratives within the realms of visual identity design.

A Mudlark’s Trail:

The Fragments of the Foreshore

A proposed trail for Meanwhile Space that starts at The Hithe and ends at Rotherhithe Beach. The 10 ceramic tiles frame the fragments of Rotherhithe’s dockland history through a collection of found objects that local mudlarkers have discovered in the area’s foreshores. The tiles come to life through AR where the user taps and discovers a series of clips that document historic finds from the area. The project aims to capture the essence of mudlarking and appreciate the eye and knowledge for the historic treasure found amongst all the rubble on the Thames’ foreshore.