As a filmmaker studying at Kingston School of Art, I have had the incredible opportunity to work on a diverse array of projects that span various styles, themes, and narratives. Each project has been a unique journey, allowing me to delve into different storytelling techniques and cinematic approaches.

Through these experiences, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with many talented individuals, each contributing their unique vision and skills to our collective work. These collaborations have been instrumental in my development as a filmmaker, pushing me to expand my creative boundaries and refine my craft.

One of the most significant areas of growth for me has been in photography and lighting. The hands-on experience I’ve gained through these projects has been invaluable, allowing me to experiment with different lighting setups, composition techniques, and photographic styles. This practical knowledge, combined with the theoretical foundations provided by my coursework, has significantly enhanced my ability to create visually compelling narratives.

On my website, you can find detailed information about each of these projects, including descriptions, behind-the-scenes insights, and the list of talented filmmakers I have had the pleasure of working with. I invite you to explore these projects and learn more about the incredible teamwork and creativity that brought them to life.