The Kerf Bent Coffee Table

A kerf is the measurement of a cut or narrow channel made by a saw, and a number of kerfs cut in a piece of wood will enable it to be safely bent in to a specific shape without the need for steaming. Kerf bending is a technique used in projects where the cuts or kerfs will be hidden and in my opinion is being overlooked and often not used or readily talked about in the world of furniture design. I wanted to change that narrative and make the kerf bends the forefront of the design where their simplicity can be appreciated and wholeheartedly celebrated.

The Kerf Bent Coffee table is a versatile product which can be used in a number of ways; not just as a table. It can be positioned on its side to become a stool, or by adding cushioning and upholstering, it also becomes a pouffe, with the idea being that having multiple products within one creates the potential for a communal and casual seating area, with some units becoming useful tables and others becoming stunning stools or more relaxing chairs. The design takes the process of kerf bending to form its shape without the use of joints or fixtures. It is made entirely from birch plywood and cut using CNC creating the possibility for scalable design or one that can be made identically and easily many times over with each piece or unit being identical.