For my FMP final piece, I have made a long sleeved buttoned shirt, with a transformable apron feature. The shirt is made from shiny white nylon which has been folded and hand stitched in different directions to evoke a permanent creased and scruffy look. It has yellow latex glove material stitched in an elastic ruche technique around the armholes, cuffs and centre back seam. The apron is made from white Tyvek and is covered in a black print consisting of a pattern of detergent bottles and bleach cans. The apron is cut with the same front and back patterns of the shirt, so it fits almost like a lining underneath the shirt. The bottom of the apron is stitched to the bottom hem of the shirt, and it’s attached by buttons underneath the collar and yoke at the top, resulting in the apron to fall down when released from buttons.  There is also a burgundy tie that has been burnt and distressed and has a wire through it to evoke the creased feel.

    For the FMP, I am manipulating mundane uniforms to create a more unorthodox counterpart, through the use of characters.

    My 2 characters, being Otto Schlotterbeck, a student, who is burdened with domestic chores which he has to do continuously every day and which are his mundane routine of life. The 2nd character, being Clive Clobber, a scandalous account manager who lives in a constant cycle of waking up, painfully making it through office hours, getting intoxicated, and committing several shocking acts before passing out on park benches.