The water sport industry has a large amount of plastic waste, this is due to the high turnover of products that include plastic materials. Kayaks are solid plastic and are made to last, unfortunately styles change meaning that many old kayaks are often sat in peoples gardens or garages becoming unusable and unsafe for water sport activities due to lack of care, or animals taking them over.


Dagger perception kayaks used to be the best kayak for teaching new paddlers a range of skills to take forward into any type of kayaking they wanted to do, now a days they are unused as there are a whole range of beginner kayaks on the market that are cheaper, lighter and easier to store. I wanted to turn these kayaks into a range of furniture, to give them another life so that they can still be used and the history of the scrapes and scratches of previous paddlers can be on show. 


These stools show where modern kayaking came from, and where it is headed. 

A collection of stools made from old dagger perception kayaks, preventing them from reaching the landfill and giving them another life of use.