In this project, perspective is at the core of my exploration and expression. Starting with the eyes, my subject gradually expands, and the perspective becomes the source of inspiration and guidance for the entire shooting process. I chose to film my mother, my grandmother and a day of my three characters to show my theme. Each person is unique, and so are their lives. When I experience a day in the life of those closest to me through my own eyes, I get a very different experience. I played out three different lives in three separate days. Each woman represents an era, a stage of life, and a unique life experience. In my eyes, their daily life presents a variety of details and emotional colors, which makes me deeply feel the passage of time and the diversity of life. I experience their current life from my perspective at the current age, and express these emotions and experiences through photography. This project aims to explore the emotional connection and resonance between women from different generations and different life stages, and to show the emotional bond I have with them.

    In this project, I use perspective to capture a day in the lives of three women: my mother, grandmother, and myself. Each represents different eras and life stages. Through my lens, I explore emotional connections between us, aiming to depict the bonds among women across generations and life stages.