My project started with an exploration of Thalassophobia, the intense fear of deep water, and why it affects many people. As I researched, I discovered that social media often amplifies or creates fears, making people believe they have conditions they don’t. This insight shifted my focus to how social media influences our perceptions of phobias and illnesses.

The final outcome is a publication aimed at helping people critically evaluate online information. It will highlight how social media can misrepresent fears, such as Thalassophobia, and encourage readers to question the accuracy of what they see online. My goal is to foster a more discerning approach to consuming digital content, helping people understand that their fears may not be as severe as portrayed.

Elvira is an Austrian graphic designer based in London, dedicated to exploring themes like feminism, social causes, and social media through her creative work. Besides graphic design, she is also passionate about photography.