In 2014, feeding the birds became an offence fineable by up to £2,500.

The Feed the Birds community houses the space for resilient and rebellious feeders to anonymously support one another whilst they continue to do what they love, despite the imposed deterrents and threats of fines.

The handmade house features a handbook on incognito feeding, a postcard welcome pack celebrating the joys of bird feeding and the members of the community that have fallen victim to fines, and a communal fat-ball mould inspired by the ‘Fight Club’ logotype soap.

This project is in response to my grandad, Bob, who feeds the seagulls and ducks down the green everyday, defiant of the threatening fines.

The Bird House is home to the communal fat-ball mould- a custom 3D printed silicone pop-out mould. Although branded, the birds will soon peck off all traces of the community once placed in the wild.