The sculpture project aimed to create a contemporary interpretation inspired by classical Greek sculpture while infusing it with the energy and intensity of boxing. Departing from the traditional stone medium, plaster was chosen for its versatility and textural potential. Bright colors were incorporated to symbolize the adrenaline rush inherent in boxing, while a broken section emphasized the sport’s physical and emotional intensity.

    Extensive research encompassed classical sculpture techniques, the psychology of adrenaline, and contemporary art expressions of intensity. Experimentation with plaster allowed for creative exploration, ultimately proving successful in conveying the desired aesthetic and thematic resonance. Various techniques were tested to manipulate the plaster’s surface, resulting in a rough texture that effectively represented the intensity of boxing.

    Overall, the project successfully realized its objectives of merging classical aesthetics with contemporary themes of athleticism and emotion. The sculpture serves as a powerful testament to the energy and impact of boxing, capturing the essence of the sport while offering a fresh perspective that bridges ancient and modern artistic traditions.