My final outcome is a set of tableware the tableware is to nudge certain manners and untold rules around the table. I started my FMP looking at untold rules as one of my subtitles, interested in what nudges us to carry out these rules. I carried out these tests but I felt as if these tests did not intervene enough and that I didn’t learn much new from them as a result of this. I circled back through my research and took the path of ‘nudging to do good’ as untold rules are primarily positive! I asked my class what their bad habits were and created a set of chairs made from wood to nudge people out of these bad habits.
These chairs were successful but created more of a restriction rather than a nudge. I figured that this was due to the ridged material. I then looked for a material that I could incorporate physical nudges in, such as prodding or poking someone. This led me to clay, a material that I could physically nudge with my hands to create a nudge. Clay lends itself nicely to ceramics leading me nicely back to a stage of my research where I looked into untold rules around the table. This is what lead me to nudge clay to nudge untold table manners. I have really enjoyed the route my FMP has gone down as it has pushed me to new things like learning how to use the pottery wheel.