Throughout my FMP I have been researching into ‘habits’ I looked down many routes and found a habit that the majority of people share is the habit of overusing the word ‘sorry’. After researching more into this topic and talking to my peers I found that they felt ‘sorry isn’t enough anymore’, and this has been quoted by their parents too who say ‘sorry just doesn’t cut it’. Because of this I also chose to look at how because of our shared habit of overusing the word sorry we now have to show our genuine apologies in a gesture. I made a set of publications that are filled of texts saying sorry and I accompanied that with a ‘chocolate box’ I made to show genuine apologies. Inside the chocolate box is photos I have taken of ways people told me they genuinely apologise.

    I made these outcomes with the aim to shine a light on the overuse of the word ‘sorry’ within our society and how this has had a domino effect and meant that we in result have to show genuine apologies in a more heartfelt gesture.