‘I’m every sparkling woman’ depicts the sleeping and vulnerable figure of the artist while being propped up
by the artists plaster casted hands. The hands in the work hold up the painting and the figure as symbolism
for the mental, physical and emotional vulnerability experienced by women as we grow and find our place
in the real world, yet we must carry ourselves through it, in this work we see a woman’s battle between their
mental and physical state. The use of black and white suggests the realisation of the world we live in which
is suggested to be ‘black and white’ which is juxtaposed by the unsettling hands and pose. The name ‘I’m
Every Sparkling Woman’ comes from the song by Ana Roxanne who was also influenced by the lyrics of ‘I’m
Every Woman’ by Chaka Khan which touches on self-love, authenticity and asserting yourself as a woman
and you’re all you’ll need in the world to hold yourself up. For me it depicts the challenge of being a Filipino
growing up in a western society learning both cultures and having a relationship with the two, understand-
ing the role of being a Filipino woman as well as being an artist. The constant battle with my own mental
health but being able to depict this in a physical state opens my eyes to what being a woman really is. I am
every sparkling woman.