With my project focusing on second hand and car-boot sales, I wanted to convey what I have found and believe in through two tones of voices.

My film ‘Ooo what’s this?’ is structured by a purchase mantra that I believe defines how we decide to individually purchase something. However, the bulk of the script attempts to break these habits by juxtaposing our impulses. I found it important to address my audience and the speaker as a collective to ditch the blame cycle but still inform in how we can change our consumerist tendencies. This film was provoked by an inspiring talk I attended, run by fashionrevolution, called ‘How can we mend the system?’, but particularly the quote “Limitless production on a limited planet”. Using visuals from the car-boot, I could highlight how much is already out there as well as displaying that we still consume the same way even if it is more sustainable.

For my physical outcome, I wanted to recreate the car-boot rummaging experience. I hope to motivate people to immerse themselves in the second hand world by getting close to the ground and sifting through lots of different things with a reward. I chose to design free takeaway ‘items’ with image, typography and stickers as a reward for this effort, parallel to finding a steal during a rummage in a second hand environment. I think that the rummaging experience is unique in it being informal and occasionally labourous but that more people would shop at car-boot sales if they knew what to expect and how much they could get out of it. I love carboot sales for their bargains, informality, oddities, sustainable practises as well as the people, and I wish to share that further.