My theme is to explore anthropomorphic surrealist world. I used symbol of objects and animals that interact with humans in painting. I was inspired by Shamanic culture that respects spirits of nature and animals. Ancient people believe spiritual world where humans and animals live at peace. I depicted fantasy world where humans are metamorphosed to animals as if humans imitate animal’s behaviour and understand animal’s language. I drew animal characters that feature cute appearance, evoking heartwarming emotion. I painted self-portrait surrounded by mythical characters that imply human-animal hybrid. Each animal has different symbols in the painting to create narrative such as adaptation to different culture. Another painting is criticizing social issues such as desensitization to violence by juxtaposing a chick, a a girl, rocket, each of which represent opposite symbol: vulnerability and powerfulness.

I experimented on different mediums such as bronze, a ceramic and aluminium. Tangible nature’s shape is transformed into aluminium leaves that have shine surface. These materials can represent how nature’s pattern is dynamically undulating with tactile surface quality. I made bronze sculpture that looks like mischievous mouse that rides skateboard. I depicted joyful moment of playing sports and naughty children who behaves in slightly bad way through mouse character. I made two ceramic sculpture: panda popping out of human’s mouth and heart organ enveloped by leaves. First ceramic represents animal’s kinship to humans as if panda kiss and hug with humans. Second ceramic represents that organisms in nature symbioses with humans.