Journeying through time and place, Jingyi Liu’s final collection celebrates the female muses from history in which her international, academic journey was mirrored.

    Silhouettes are informed by traditional Chinese cutting, collars and sleeves, filtering through dresses, tops and jackets, in combination with trousers and skirts.

    Sustainable up-cycling processes heavily informed the collections experience of transforming harsh tailoring into softer, wearable and fluid clothing that goes between day and night, work and leisure, in search of a balance of lifestyle.

    Infused with digital material scanning, the print development acts to compress the traditional material, in a bid to reject the lack of comfort found within classic office tailoring, and its masculine connotations. Finishing techniques across the wool materials were developed to further enhance this rejection material remnants and loose garment panels were converted into bags to ensure no wasted material, while catering the collection to a woman’s functional needs.