Originally inspired by Jonathan Hoefler who said “typefaces are a raw material”. Toolkit was a project about exploring the creative side of peoples minds. Starting life as a typeface, Toolkit is comprised of 94 pieces. These 94 pieces can be utilised anyway that the designer wishes, whether it be a product designer starting a new furniture project, a fashion designer using them to assist with pattern cutting, a graphic designer in the early stages of a new typeface, or an architect creating a new building. The analog nature of the set brings to fruition ideas that may not be accessible only through the use of a screen. It allows for quick, ruleless and impulsive thinking. This way of thinking is often glanced over as it may be considered not ‘professional’ however some of the best ideas come from impulse decisions. This project has the unique characteristic of having no defined outcome making an ever expanding project that can have a life after this initial proof of concept. 

    As technology progresses it is important to not become too distant from the origins of design but rather to glorify tradition with the help of digital processes. My projects aim to bring to light that screens aren’t the end all be all for design, and that analog design can work in unison with the digital realm to create more in depth outcomes.