My FMP Was first drawn from my fascination with the media’s presentation of rebellious groups such as highwaymen and punks, so when beginning my research, I became drawn down various unfruitful paths that all seemed shallow, derivative presentations of these expressive groups. So after exhausting these other routes, I began to shift the focus of my research towards the questioning of ‘where we are first introduced to the notion of rebelling?’. Breaking down the quintessential rules of rebellion through creating and reworking manifestos, I discovered the important role of rules, as rebellion cannot occur without them, whether explicitly set out or implicitly enforced. After the exploration of this discovery, I landed upon primary schools as the initial imposition of rules to the rebel against. Taking from my own experience of being a “goody two shoes,” I decided I wanted to create a design to encourage childlike rebellions. Furthering this angle through visiting a school site, I observed the action of swinging on your chair to perfectly encapsulate the early slight rebellions that are a universal experience of misbehaving in school. My final design therefore, is a subversion of the archetypal classroom chair; which through the addition of 4 extra legs allows for a leaning back posture to be assumed stagnant and place the user into the position of the rebel.

    My process of deciding and finalizing my “swung chair” through analyzing physical behaviors.