Hello, my name is Josh. I’m an Illustrator/Animator who likes to focus on the conceptual and surreal. Skills that I’ve been praised for in the past have been constructing tangible or realistic designs from the mind, portraits and still life, 3D sculptures or any manner of story-based works be it script writing, voice acting or storyboarding.

The works I arrive at come through personal experience or through a need to visualise an idea I haven’t seen portrayed through. This is what led to my EPP project, taking a speculative fiction framework, but giving it a Darwinian spin on the work making it appear as if a 19th Century explorer visited another planet to collect samples and sketch landscapes from it. I’m always hungry for the next work and prefer to be sure that what I’m working on is a desirable outcome to who I’m working for. At the time of writing this, my main focus is on a children’s book I’m working on in house, but I’m first and foremost a free agent who gets very passionate about who’s project I work under and always work outside of the norm to make something distinct and emotive in nature.

The works listed above are numerous works ranging from 10 minute sketches of people/objects to 1hr30min portraits – taking long form projects piece by piece with smaller works