My project is called an overcrowded shelf! and is all about Obsessions. I began looking into collectors and the obsessive emotions evoked from inanimate objects. I was interested in our overall  connection and dependence to our possessions. The power  our possessions hold and the importance of them. This brought me  to research  the lifestyle of a maximalist, flaunting an abundance of objects in a form of self expression. Once I hit this mark I began to feel a bit stuck, the nature of my research being so specific to the individual became very apparent and almost like an obstacle. To make it specific to myself I began to take an obsessive outlook into my day to day, taking inspiration from wacky Guinness world record accomplishments I wanted to only wear and only really see the colour orange for the remainder of my FMP, whilst utilising it in my research to see if you can in fact force an obsession. I kept on going back to the debate between minimalism and maximalism in whether you should feel proud of somewhat “useless” things so to combine this research, I utilised the phrase of “wearing obsessions on your sleeve” and created a mobile storage system of a metal backpack and jacket to flaunt and store my personal obsessions.

    I’ve eaten so many oranges