PLANT ROOM encapsulates my obsession with a Nasa International Space Station experiment that aims to grow tomatoes in space. Through a process of manipulation and deception, the imagery and narratives of the original experiment have been changed, leaving a distorted version of the original.

My process is experimental and interconnected, ranging from drawings, sculpture, to site specific installation. I am interested in the tensions and interactions, between the mundane and the technological parts of contemporary ecosystems. I’m searching for patterns and connections, as well as interruptions and moments of dysfunctionality. I am interested in our desire to understand and impose order on the mess around us, and the impossibility of such a task. I aim to bring these things together to form a narrative, which is ambiguous, wavering between the real and artificial, the familiar and bizarre.

Information is changed. Alternatively remembered, recreated, twisted and connected. Things are being substituted, cut out of one space and put into another. It’s slowly growing. I’ve cut and pasted together, remixed and manipulated. Information is hijacked and I am the hijacker.