Have you ever been “labelled”?

Everyone does not like to be one-sidedly understood, or even misunderstood, and deep down they want others to really understandWhen faced with a real person, words are scarce. So avoid labelling others as much as possible and judge them less one-sidedly.


In this process of social moulding of the self, according to the “labelling theory”, people have an innate tendency to self-fulfil social expectations. When society thinks I am a good person, it is hard for me to do something unkind, because it is hard for us to gain anything from being out of step with society.

The labelling of us by people from all directions of society is the fundamental way in which we learn about our specific selves and become conscious of them.

Analysed from a social psychological reading, we are prone to forming stereotypes about a ‘group’ and tend to categorise people based on the perceived stereotype, ignoring the individual differences that actually exist between each member. Therefore if you are labelled as a negative person, you will easily

Become more and more anxious and perform worse as a result. Being labelled by others/giving yourself a label can be self-referential. But if you look in the mirror every morning and say “I’m beautiful… I’m awesome…” Repeatedly labelling yourself in a certain way reinforces the mental cues and can have the effect of encouraging/uplifting/…yourself