I have designed a vintage guid gook to help viewers know what to look for when vintage hunting, I have done this by creating my own language of things to avoid and look for and have accompanied them with pictures of vintage items I have found in ether charity shops, auctions or antique shops. the language I use to explain why you should keep or leave behind an item is specific to that item so the viewer gets the best profit out of the vintage shopping. My outcome includes an array of items from vintage clothes to vases to show the idea of what is vintage. Vintage is anything and everything however just because an item is vintage it doesn’t make it rare or worth lots of money so to show this, I created my guide book which shows what’s worth picking up and what’s not and also can show the likely hood of finding what items are where. my book also shows the places you are more likely to find better vintage items depending on what you are looking for. From auctions and charity shops to antique shops. I hope my outcome inspires people to go and look at vintage items as there’s something for everyone. I have gotten a lot of my research from interviews and talking to specialist about what makes something vintage valuable and not valuable.

    Pick it up?

    Put it down?

    Become ur own expert in vintage.