The overlapping of dreams and multiple “selves” is not just a visual effect; it delves deeper into the exploration of self-identity and inner dialogue. This approach immerses the viewer in a multi-layered psychological space where time, space, and identity are no longer fixed but fluid and intertwined. In the photographs, the overlap of dreams symbolizes the richness and diversity of the individual’s inner psychological world. Each “self” represents a facet of identity, which could be a stage in real life, a certain emotional state, or subconscious desires and fears. When these different self-images appear within the same frame, they create a dreamlike effect, suggesting that each person possesses multiple identities and lives. This overlapping not only blurs the boundaries between reality and dream but also between past, present, and future. Each “self” might represent past memories, present experiences, or future expectations. These overlapping temporal spaces infuse the image with a sense of mystery and provoke contemplation about the passage of time and the evolution of self. Do we truly understand every aspect of ourselves? How do our past, present, and future influence and intertwine with each other? Moreover, the multiple “selves” in the dream also hint at the internal dialogue and conflicts within human beings. In daily life, we often play different roles and react differently to various situations. These different roles, when overlapping in a dream, symbolize our inner contradictions and complexity. They are both independent entities and parts of a whole, forming a complete and intricate self. Each of us is composed of countless “selves,” and together, these “selves” shape our identity and existence.