My practice centres around drawing, my main enjoyment in art stemming from filling sketchbooks and capturing images and objects I come across every day. I am drawn to the straightforward nature of drawing, and the intimacy I find in capturing shapes and images traditionally rather than digitally.

    I am primarily drawn to portraiture, as I am fascinated by faces and the ability drawing gives me to capture a personality within a drawing, resulting in most of my drawings featuring people/faces which I believe hold lots of character and personality, which so happen to be older faces more often than not. My approach to drawing is less about exact accuracy when it comes to capturing an image, but instead capturing the essence of the person I am trying to draw, creating a likeness in a way I find to be more authentic.


    In the degree show my work is an installation which explores the idea that the process of being an active artist is the final piece, putting on display the work that was never meant to be seen.