My project is called ‘Take a Leap’. I began my FMP looking at the topic of leap years – I discovered that there is a community of people called leaplings, who are people born on leap day. I began researching themes on my topic – traditions, routines and annual celebrations. which led to me looking at my own community and where I feel like the most is going on – my local park – Ruskin. I began to wonder, what is worth celebrating here? Through lots of research about my area and iterative designs, I landed on the idea of the fascinating view you can see from Ruskin Park: iconic buildings like the Shard, the London Eye, Big Ben, Battersea Power Station etc. Every NYE people in my community go to the park at midnight to watch the fireworks over the London Eye, which is a special annual tradition. I created 3 viewfinders which stand in the park – they allow people to pause and appreciate the views, this can be when they are in the park on a sunny evening or as they are passing through the park on their daily commute to work or school.



What do you celebrate in your community?