As an interdisciplinary artist my mediums of creating frequently overlap and impact one another. Despite this, the fundamental root of my work is drawing, specifically mark making. My drawing mediums include charcoal, graphite and ink. Additionally I like to experiment with collage within these compositions, exploring the element of layering through themes of transparency and balance. As a musician, I often incorporate sound into my work through exploring the relationship between audio and visual, attempting to capture sounds visually. Composition plays a major role in my work, aesthetically and musically, and I navigate this through improvisation. The marks that I make are driven by spontaneity, creating improvisational motifs that ebb and flow organically. Inspiration for my drawing stems from my environment. Examples of this include, extracting shapes and motifs that I hear from excerpts of jazz or classical music or present time thoughts, feelings and emotions. I tend to let my hand guide me and have confidence within the marks being made. My recent project has involved live improvisational drawing in the form of performance art, utilising the cello as a tool for drawing as opposed to its natural function of producing sound.