I referenced objects owned by my family that had stood the test of time, the
worn through shirts over 30 years old, the jumpers kept as sentimental
memories, and the fabric that transformed from curtains to sofa covers to
pillowcases over the years. Feelings of comfort and nostalgia are central to my collection,
using fabrics and silhouettes with movement and textures that envelop the
body. Tactility became important, using soft worn-in
fabrics and heavy knitted textures to replicate the comfort of the home.
Materials used in this collection have been sourced from family friends,
charity shops, car-boot sales, Camomile London, and donations to the
university. As part of my practice, I enjoy finding ways to work with their
imperfections to create something unique, as well as celebrating local
community network.

My heavier knitwear pieces are all made from unraveled second-hand
motheaten or discarded jumpers. Working in this way produces very little
waste and allows me to preserve the memories and lives of old garments
and transform them into something of higher value with purpose and
longevity. I source pieces to unravel that are made from wool, ramie or
cotton, as they have higher tensile strengths and will stand the test of time.
Working with the same selection of yarns I have experimented with several
different techniques; combining felting, machine knitting and handknitting to
form textiles with a contemporary craft feel. Celebration of hand crafting and
mending is broadening, as people look back to their communities to escape
the overwhelm of the digital world. By studying these skills and
implementing them in my designs I want to pay homage to the knowledge
and energy that went into the production of the materials I am repurposing.

Nostos means homecoming; a return after a long journey. My homecoming was bittersweet, and I sought comfort in my home surroundings. To preserve these objects I have repurposed them in my work; using old bed sheets, motheaten jumpers, and torn trousers to create new pieces with purpose and longevity.