“Bread is Hope” is a short, animated documentary film centred around an interview with co-founder of the organisation Bake for Ukraine; Maria Kalenska. The animation shows the process of the traditional sourdough bread (Palyanytsya) as Maria explains what the work is like, her experiences, the bakeries they help with equipment and the bread they deliver to the frontlines. The photographs by war correspondent Simon Peat shed light to the reality of the situation and the textured backgrounds, flowers and details are inspired by traditional Ukrainian embroidery. The animation aims to help Bake for Ukraine get donations, raise awareness of the war and bring a little bit of Ukrainian’s beautiful culture to the rest of the world.

Ukraine has been at war for over 10 years. Bake for Ukraine delivers bread to the frontlines, essential work in a country that has delivered 12% of the world’s wheat. Crucial in a culture where bread is the centre of the home.

‘Bread is flour, water, salt, time and hope’ – Bake for Ukraine