For my Final piece of my FMP I have made a sculptural structure which includes digital fabric prints and plaster rocks. I have been looking at puzzles and networks for this project, playing with games and the child’s perspective. For my final piece I wanted to create my own puzzle, inspired by games like Jenga and pick up sticks. My intention was to make a wooden structure which could be fitted and balanced in different arrangements. 

    The start of my final piece came from a quick experimentation using coloured tape. I created two small samples by layering tape creating a checkerboard effect. From then on I expanded these designs more and more, re printing and re-layering. I want people to see my work and question the concept behind it. Like a puzzle you need to work out the finalised meaning, and if understood you can admire the work for what it represents. If not, one can appreciate the work for its aesthetic value and the viewer’s individual taking.