Socks going missing is a mystery we’ve all experienced, but what happens when an investigation is launched to find the culprit behind these hosiery heists?

My project is titled When the Trail Goes Cold and I’ve been researching the topic of unsolved mysteries throughout it. My final piece bridges the gap between unsolved mysteries in our everyday life and the visual language of mysteries in fiction by staging an over-the-top investigation into the mystery of the missing sock.

I’ve designed and made an investigation board filled with photography and documents that exist as possible clues in the case. Interrogations of sock suspects, CCTV footage of the Sock Thief, and sock heist blueprints are just a few of the pieces of evidence that are tacked on the board.

To pair with the narrative, I’ve staged an attempted robbery of a museum’s pewter sock. The museum display case has a lasered out circle to show the attempt, but the sock still lays on its velvet pillow, revealing that the culprit has failed this time in causing the disappearance of yet another sock.

The case remains unsolved…