Where do the origins of our personal recollections and manifestos for and of love, reside?

Amidst one’s personal archive, there retains a collective narrative. A narrative that speaks to a temporal migration and pursues discourse across this intimate historicism. Across personal epochs. The embodiment of a moment and how other moments impact and influence these causes an embrace of one’s personal archaeology. An archaeology that exhibits ephemera from a generational archive.

From my parent’s initial meetings and realisations, through to the current revisiting of this story and their reflections, we see the liminality in such a phenomenon. It is neither in a state of preservation of the past, nor isolated from other happenings, but in a state of entanglement. It is entangled with the current perspectives and feelings felt, being affected by seemingly unrelated events and my own personal relationship. This is evident in inside jokes, the evolution of communication, letter writing, telephone conversation, text, and geographical distance. Furthermore, there are prominent objects throughout the visual, written and spoken narratives that exist. Cakes and architectural structures. Celebratory moments are witnessed (weddings and birthdays) that express consistency in the generational love. A memoir of celebratory moments. How does the relativity upon their relationship coincide and inflict my own?

Through the discussion upon non-personal information amongst personal information, there is the threading of intimate archaeology with a distant archaeology. This distance is brought through both the non-personal, as well as the migration of ephemera from my parent’s relationship to my own. A genealogy. Through a story, eliciting love letters, there is a metamorphosis. A flourishing. A performance/dance that pursues an honorific agency and a gift.