Rein Lee Banks is an illustrator based in London, specialising in visual storytelling, Book arts and graphic design. ‘My Taxidermy Angel’ is the most ambitious project of theirs yet: a  coloured 60 page graphic novella, written and illustrated on their own. Feeling comforted by those that hurt us, worshipping those that are considered monsters, and wanting to remember your darkest days as something beautiful, Rein paints a beautiful, bittersweet story that explores the complicated feelings that accompany us when trying to heal from our past.

Themes of nostalgia, human connections and queerness are also represented through their different projects; whether that is other graphic narrative projects such as ‘Tidal Waves’ or informative booklets such as ‘London Queer Sober Spaces’. These ideas are also expressed through their approach to drawing; creating tactile and sensitive illustrations that fit across different mediums. Their works show a clear love for their craft: a passion that will no doubt be translated in the various future professional work the artist will create.

Rein Lee Banks is an upcoming illustrator, specialising in visual storytelling, Book arts and graphic design. Feeling comforted by abusers, worshipping monsters, and wanting to remember your nightmares as something beautiful, ‘My Taxidermy Angel’ paints a beautiful, bittersweet story that explores the complicated feelings that accompany us when trying to heal from our past.