Norwich, Norfolk, is where our facility is located. The city is located in a rural area, accessible via a 45-minute bus ride. It is surrounded by abundant resources for building constructions. We also visited the local chalk factory and woodland. The site’s location in a marsh provided an advantage since we knew what materials might be discovered and used for construction. The visit to the place enabled me to conduct further research and obtain a deeper knowledge proposing me to construct a birdwatching facility after learning about the wetlands.

As I explored our site, which is in Norwich, specifically near Caistor St Edmund, I realised that it is surrounded by many useful things that I might use for my project, such as lumber or chalk. I also noticed that Norfolk has many local nature reserves, so I thought of creating something that would bring the community together while also drawing visitors on a lesser scale. I want to create a comfortable setting for individuals of all ages.

So my last idea was to build a bird observation facility that could be enjoyed by everyone, including the elderly and families. The concept of camouflage building was always present in nature, since it was designed to imitate a bird’s nest.


By adhering to all human-made standards when it comes to the sounds of nature, I think that my effort will help people connect with nature.

Additionally, I want to emphasise watching.

-Sara Udugampolage, 2024