A “Giant Siphonophore”, is a colony of unusual organisms sticking onto its long and liberating stems swimming through the ocean’s depths like a gorgeous and living-like lantern. This is the quirkiest, most exotic, rare, and beautiful underwater species around the globe. This magnificent installation was used with a long rolled-up wire mesh resembling the siphonophore’s long and frolic stem with structural organzas resembling the transparent and fleshy layers of the nectophores and tentacles curved around. Looking closely, you can see this fascinating creature’s vibrant, colourful, and nostalgic textures heighten its energy and movement swimming freely. Furthermore, the colourful and transparent tentacles and organisms captivate an exotic and extraordinary environment with dangling strings of lights luminescent around the frolic structure that builds up to a different level.

    Time to take you to another world, with a magnificent living being, so exotic, unrealistic and beautiful!