“Green Space”


Green Space” invites you to listen to the meditative sound of nature with your body rather than your ears. Sound does not have to be heard exclusively by our ears, but too in our nose, knees, forearm and fingertips. This work is to be experienced not observed. To be felt not seen. Heard not smelt. It is a play on the senses which creates an unexpected stillness in the mind. Each piece offers a glimpse into my experience of nature and invites you to rediscover your own connection with it too. It is not to be forgotten that you can listen in your own time. By going out into nature you can feel the tweets of the birds at the tip of your nose, and the buzzing bees in your knees, and the flowing stream in your forearm, and the blowing leaves in your fingertips. But most definitely some air traffic in your clenched up fist!