The United Kingdom alone produces over 400 tonnes of domestic e-waste per year, and as a result, we are a major contributor to an otherwise even larger global problem. A detrimental influence on this statistic is the electrical home furnishings industry, where there is a tendency to design for form, function and current trends as opposed to what the world desperately needs. Eco-design.

My brief with this project was to flip the standard of lighting design on its head, by designing something that the user will assemble from its most basic components in as simple and intuitive a way as possible. This is to build confidence in self- assembly, self-repair, and then at the end of life, the conscious dismantling and recycling. Therefore, promoting a solution to the e-waste crisis.

Slight achieves this message in two main ways. Firstly, through an entirely segmented design made from hardwood and aluminium, and very minimal electronic components – none of which will compromise the design upon failure. Secondly, the simplicity with which these components come together, taking no more than 20 minutes with just an Allen Key and the clear info-graphic instructions provided.

My brief with this project was to design something that the user will assemble from its most basic components in as simple and intuitive a way as possible. This is to build confidence in self-assembly, self-repair, and then at the end of life, conscious dismantling and recycling. Therefore, promoting a solution to the e-waste crisis.