My project explores the complex beauty of the period and period body. Essentially, taking power back: the elemental power of the body and its cycles. I wanted my FMP to brandish this power of the “feminine”, in whatever form this takes. I explored the hidden treasure that is period blood, and its value as a life giving substance. This priceless liquid gold my body can provide. So, I worked on aestheticizing this in a way that felt intrinsic to my experience and the experience I viewed on feminine echo-chambers online. This interception of parody, humour and sincerity. However, I began to see this behaviour of parody in women artists, through their use of the “grotesque”. This is the direction my project took, looking at the power of using the ugly, distorted, and foul, to confront the viewer with their own conventions. I created a “feminine” dystopia, brandishing blood and gore and beauty, fusing these sentiments to thrill, agitate or satisfy.