My work is a composition of 4 brutalist style structures with some graffiti tags sprayed on to the surface. Within my work I tried to capture and recreate the feelings people have told me they felt whilst in the presence of a brutalist building. The most common feelings I gathered through my research were ‘heavy’ ‘dull’ and ‘minimalist’. I therefore tried to create structures that not only gave off these feelings but also overwhelmed the viewer by feeling very heavy and potentially even claustrophobic. The second part of my research was based around surrealism and optical illusions. Initially I experimented with creating 3D optical illusion shapes that work with perspective and paint to trick the viewer. I eventually looked into lenticular art and how its uses respective to change/create an image that would otherwise not be viewable. This is embedded in my piece through the tag that runs across all 3 of the structures that are hung. The graffiti gets bigger on the structures that are further away as I wanted the font size to level out when viewed correctly to create a ‘sticker’ illusion that almost sits on the structures instead of fading away with the depth difference.


    The floor piece has a lot of resemblance from street advertising and quick tags that are usually found on electrical boxes, lampposts or the wall on certain buildings. I reference posters such as tear-of-fliers which are a very common way to advertise in large cities for a cheap price, movie and bar posters reminding the people of local events. The majority of the time these posters are covered by low quality tags, quickly made graffiti and random signs such as the peace sign