On the journey towards creating my own brand of art, I found myself captivated by the use of eye-catching colours and intricate, psychedelic patterns. I was also deeply fascinated by the ways in which brands can utilise various marketing tactics to manipulate consumers into believing that their foods are healthier and more beneficial than they actually are. With this in mind, I set out to develop a unique art brand that would explore these themes in a playful and thought-provoking way.

I decided to create a series of “sweet items” that would be crafted out of clay and other moldable materials. My aim was to create items that looked so realistic that they could easily be mistaken for real, edible treats. By doing so, I hoped to evoke a sense of whimsy and wonder in viewers, while also challenging them to question their perceptions of what is real and what is not.

Hello! I’m Villitta Belle and I am an aspiring illustrative Fine Artist. I studied Fine Art BA at Kingston University London from 2021-2024. Join me as I explain my journey as a Brain Cancer survivor through my Artwork, in which also glorifies the dark side of sugar very subtly.