Inherited Morriña is a sonic sculpture recreating the sounds of my heritage and echoes of my ancestral home in Galicia. This sonic family tree symbolises my personal journey returning to Galicia after 14 years, housing a collection of sounds passed down through generations, from my grandparents to my father, and now to me.

The swallows in the oak forest, church bells, flowing water, and rustle of rye fields are not just heard but felt, crafted from materials collected from Galicia and London. Through this, I explored how materials hold memories, weaving a narrative that connects lineage with landscape.

At its core, this sculpture is a testament to the concept of Morriña, a deeply Galician word that encapsulates the profound nostalgia and intense sense of connection and belonging to your pueblo and your land – a longing for home. This piece became an instrument for me to make tangible this deep sense of nostalgia and belonging to a place that was never truly mine. As I materially replicated the sounds I rediscovered of my dad’s youth I made them my own.

I ventured beyond acoustically replicating the sounds, embracing the concept of echo. Instead, they were transformed into sight, movement and texture, inviting viewers to engage with their senses and enter a scene where echoes of the past intertwine with the present.

The sonic journey to Inherited Morriña