Throughout my work, I really felt that things were moving in the right direction. I tried many ways to express the emotions and inner world of social phobia. I stalled, I didn’t know how to express my feelings to a wider audience that couldn’t relate to social phobia. However, I am satisfied with the final animation, which presents my subject in a simple and clear way, making it easy for people who don’t know it to perceive the feelings and ideas it expresses. The soft backgrounds and proper voice-overs were my favorite parts and gave a lot of soul to my animation.


    “A Day in the Life of a Social Phobic

    Do you also suffer from social anxiety and fear, do you have a friend who is not good at talking in front of people, socializing and participating in group activities. With this video you may see yourself and your best friend. Hopefully it will help you understand the inner workings of social phobia.