Inspired by my childhood experience of being forced to learn piano by my mother, I got the idea: if I ate the piano, I might miraculously acquire the skill to play.

Drawing on Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic concept of the mirror stage, This work explored self-perception and societal influence. The mirror stage describes a phase where infants recognize their reflection, leading to a duality of self-awareness—seeing oneself as both “self” and “other.” This duality fosters a love-hate relationship with the self-image, oscillating between admiration and alienation.

The figures in the artwork, crafted from paper mache, serve as mirror images of the artist herself. Visitors are invited to engage with the piece on a tactile level, by placing ceramic elements into the figure’s mouth.

Xuanmo Zhou is a Chinese artist, working in sculpture, photography, and drawing. Her works are profoundly inspired by her personal experiences and emotions. Through creating art, she captures the delicate and intriguing states of mind encountered in daily life, inviting viewers to connect with the subtle complexities of the human experience.