In this project, It was explored an “Alarm Clock” centred around voice interaction between Mum (the product) and me (the user). The goal is to reassess the existing product from a fresh perspective and discover new aspects. Drawing inspiration from childhood experiences of being woken up by Mum, I have looked into ways to use a familiar voice to make mornings more lively. By emphasizing how the product and the user interact based on the user’s actions, it is uncovered new dimensions of the “Alarm Clock”.

The standard modern alarm clock is rather dull and lacks emotion. It exists solely to wake you up, with little emotional connection to the user. It is designed as a living product that breathes life into the item and offers users a special experience. It prioritizes dialogue between the “Alarm Clock” and its user, such as the clock speaking and the user snoozing, and implements this through interaction. Simple analogue snooze buttons that prompt the clock to nod, along with a digital screen and application that facilitate the easy exchange of visual information, are incorporated to bring liveliness to the design.

Alarm Clock project offers a more engaging and emotionally connected waking experience through the familiar voice (e.g. mum). Rethinking the traditional alarm clock, it emphasises interactive and lively design.